Gabby has transformed our dog’s quality of life! We adopted our dog, Flash, from a local rescue and were told he had spent a lot of his early life kenneled. He had extremely bad anxiety (pacing for hours, barking at any sound), leash reactivity (lunging at cars, birds, and other dogs), and I was unable to walk him on my own because he would try to pull my arm off on walks.

Since Gabby’s board and train program, Flash has done a 180!
He no longer paces all day, he calmly passes by distractions without lunging, and I am confident taking him out on long walks, runs, or hikes by myself. We have even gone on road trips and stayed in hotels where he is a perfect guest! We love that we can take Flash on adventures with us and all have fun together. Gabby was able to show Flash how to calm his mind so he can enjoy life now without so much anxiety. Thank you, Gabby!