Melissa from Tempe, called us when she and her family purchased her new Labradoodle puppy, Sunny. Melissa wanted to train Sunny as soon as possible to help curb any potential issues that she might face in the future as she knew an untrained Labradoodle was not something she wanted. Melissa also wanted Sunny trained to be a good companion dog for a close family member who suffered from a traumatic brain injury. She didn’t want this family member to feel overwhelmed by a large dog who had no manners or boundaries.

Melissa and her family came in for an initial visit and we discussed all of their concerns to help them feel better about what training could do to help them all work on and through any concerns they had. Sunny was only 12 weeks old when they started training and it was the perfect time to begin. Melissa and her family decided they wanted detailed foundation training, so they signed Sunny up for our Puppy Boarding School program where she would stay with us for 2 weeks.

When Sunny arrived we began right away to help her be comfortable with her crate [which she had not previously been in] and this included sleeping in there throughout the entire night. She also got very detailed potty training to prevent any accidents that might occur in their new home and while she was with a particular member of the family. Sunny also learned quickly how to walk nicely on a leash so she could slow her pace on walks and be aware of any changes with the family while out in public and how to patiently wait for them to walk again. She also learned commands that would help her to keep calm at home and relax when needed and play when any family member wanted.

Sunny now can lay next to her dad in his workshop for hours without feeling the need to get up and walk around and she can get excited and play when it’s appropriate. Melissa and her family now have an adult dog who not only is an important part of the family, but very naturally helpful in giving much needed companionship to everyone in her home.